Two stage double frequency up-conversion scheme

The basic two stage double frequency upconversion scheme


Superconducting qubits have emerged as one of the front-runners in the development of quantum processors and require amplitude and phase modulated microwave frequency pulses for control and measurement. A common method for generating these pulses is the single side band up-conversion scheme which utilizes an IQ Mixer and two modulating signals from arbitrary waveform generators. In this thesis, we discuss an alternative scheme, referred to as double frequency up-conversion, which aims to reduce the number of required modulating signals to one, eschews periodic calibrations and accommodates a wider range of qubit frequencies. We partially implement this scheme, demonstrate the measurement and analysis of a single qubit, and present evidence that the long-term stability of the alternative scheme is comparable to that of the standard setup.

Gaurav Agarwal
Gaurav Agarwal
Ph.D. Student

My research interests include quantum computing on superconducting platforms, machine learning and condensed matter physics.