Graphene - Electronic Properties and Defects

An illustration of the layers


Graphene is one of the first 2-D materials to be discovered. We examine its physical structure and review the tight-binding model of Graphene with the next- nearest neighbour interaction. Only considering nearest neighbour hopping, we demonstrate the importance of Dirac points, the onset of the relativistic for- mulation and electrons acquiring pseudo-spin. We also show the e-h symmetry breaking on the inclusion of next-nearest hopping. Additionally, we derive the commonly stated density of states using Green’s function. Further, we model substitutional impurities in the Graphene lattice by the Slater-Koster model and derive the change in the band structure.

Gaurav Agarwal
Gaurav Agarwal
Ph.D. Student

My research interests include quantum computing on superconducting platforms, machine learning and condensed matter physics.