Gaurav Agarwal

Gaurav Agarwal

Ph.D. Student

University of Pittsburgh, USA



I’m currently a first year Physics graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh. I like diving into technical problems whilst working with my hands as well behind the keyboard.

Recently, I have been working towards building a ‘universal’ data logger for the Hatlab for lab instruments with ESP32(s) and Pi. My previous work for my Master’s Thesis involved QM’s FPGA module OPX, optimal qubit control using machine learning as well as component optimisation of the RF chain on the superconducting qubits platform at the QuMaC Lab, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.

Download my CV.

  • Quantum Computing
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Machine Learning
  • GNU/Linux and Open-Source


    “Insight must precede application.”
    ― Max Planck



Designed, setup and demonstrated DIY experiments to 60+ summer school participants in the UG Physics Lab.
University of Mumbai - Department of Atomic Energy - Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences
Organiser - Ragnarok - Inter-college Sports Event
Feb 2019 – Apr 2019 Mumbai, India
Managed administrative paperwork, volunteers, marketing, and organised 50+ Badminton matches within restrictive player schedules during the semester.
Responsible for selection, marketing and screening movies/documentaries across different genre and languages every Friday night at the institute.


Coming Soon! 🤞